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Tourism Development after the Crises – Global Imbalances – Poverty Alleviation
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XII, 248 Seiten, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und Tabellen, 15,8 x 23,5 cm, kartoniert




11. April 2011
Sofort lieferbar


Rechnung, Kreditkarte (VISA, MasterCard, American Express), SEPA-Lastschrift

Tourism Development after the Crises

Global Imbalances – Poverty Alleviation

eBook: EUR (D) 35,95
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Global imbalances and crises which occurred more frequently and at shorter intervals made international tourism demand more volatile. This book, edited by Peter Keller and Thomas Bieger, provides a unique analysis of the recent financial crisis on world tourism and particularly the development models which contribute reduce poverty.

The volume is based on the knowledge of a network of more than 300 researchers and includes experiences from Europe, Africa and Asia. It focuses on the latest economic crises as a framework for analyses and as a real life case study.

Main parts of the book cover the following issues:
  • Impact of the global economic imbalances and crises on tourism
  • Lessons to be learned for the future of tourism in poor regions
  • Strategic development approaches for tourism destinations
A substantial contribution for the impact of tourism development in time of global imbalances.
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