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Accounting Fraud – Case Studies and Practical Implications
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314 Seiten, With 44 international fraud cases, 15,8 x 23,5 cm, fester Einband




10. November 2010
Sofort lieferbar


Rechnung, Kreditkarte (VISA, MasterCard, American Express), SEPA-Lastschrift

Accounting Fraud

Case Studies and Practical Implications

Von Prof. Dr. Klaus Henselmann und Dr. Stefan Hofmann
eBook: EUR (D) 44,94
inkl. USt.
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Bringing light to the dark side of business

The number of high-profile accounting scandals is increasing. Accounting fraud is a real threat to modern business. The damage may be devastating, both financially and reputationally. No company – big or small – is immune to risk. The need for fraud prevention is critical.

In this casebook, with forty-four prominent examples drawn exclusively from real-world fraud cases, Klaus Henselmann and Stefan Hofmann provide comprehensive and crucial knowledge about the topic of accounting fraud:
  • Unparalleled insights on the scams used by corporate executives to perpetrate accounting fraud
  • In-depth coverage of the scandalous events at major corporations that have caused so much panic and trauma throughout the world
  • A thorough examination of the circumstances leading to these corporate governance fiascos and public relations disasters
  • Useful practice aids for fraud-fighters, including a schedule of early warning signs, an “ethics barometer”, and an inquiry guide for fraud interviews
This book is an invaluable resource to senior executives, financial officers, board members, audit committee members, auditors, attorneys, investors and many others.

A must-read for anyone who cares about compliance and corporate integrity!
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